CIENCE case study

How CIENCE tripled pipeline and halved their sales cycle with Capchase Pay

Discover why CIENCE—a comprehensive B2B lead generation solution—turned to Capchase Pay and the results they were able to achieve.

The benefits of Capchase Pay

Capchase Pay is a buy now, pay later product for B2B companies that allows them to offer customers flexible payment terms while still being paid the full annual value of their contracts upfront.

With Capchase Pay, CIENCE was able to:

Generated $3.7 million in pipeline in one month
Reduced time to cash from 15 days to same day
Cut their time to closed deal from 4 to 2 weeks
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“It’s easy for our customers to justify a $30,000 deal, but a $170,000 deal isn’t as easy. Capchase Pay gives our customers—who don’t have the means to switch to higher-value contracts—the bridge to do so.”

Michael Gear, CEO of CIENCE
Make your annual revenue, instantly with Pay
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