Stripe users make great Capchase customers

Capchase makes it easy to turn your recurring revenue into flexible growth financing.


Our mission

Our mission is to put funding on autopilot—so that founders can scale ARR, keep more of their company, and increase valuations all without taking their focus off the things that really matter.

With Capchase, you can access a percentage of your recurring revenue right from the start.

Your capital

Triple your revenue within a year, grow your valuation, the possibilities are endless.

Scalable solutions

Your funding capacity with Capchase grows with your ARR growth.

Flexible draws

Review Draw

Draw what you need when you need it—no restrictions on your use of capital.

Who do we finance?

United States
United Kingdom
The Netherlands
Business model
B2B SaaS
B2B tech with contracted revenue
ARR: $150k-100M+
3+ months of runway
6+ months of revenue history

How it works in 3 steps

Seamless underwriting

Access an offer immediately after you sync your data while we further analyze it. We can improve our initial offer in less than 72 hours.

Sync your data

We integrate with your banks and accounting services so you can easily and securely connect your data.

Seamless underwriting

Access an offer immediately after you sync your data while we further analyze it. We can improve our initial offer in less than 72 hours.

Access your capital

Once approved, you can immediately draw your capital in our simple and intuitive platform.

Who we are

Capchase has years of experience scaling SaaS from pre-revenue to millions in ARR.

About us

$1.5B made available to companies

We provide the financing you need to grow your business.

53% faster average ARR growth

Increased months of average runway


A team of Growth Advisors at your service

Our team of Growth Advisors will work directly with you to:
Help your company grow effortlessly.
Get growth financing that's flexible.
Get you the best financing for your company.

Join thousands of SaaS companies accelerating their revenue and growth.