Capchase x Ordway

How to finance on auto-pilot


Automation is the key to scaling any business, but with a combination of rapid growth, rapid change, and a lean team, it can be challenging to create reliable automated processes in startups. 

Listen to Head of Sales and BD at Capchase Jamie Maynard and Head of Marketing at Orway Steve Keifer discuss the importance of automating your financial operations.

Learn why it’s optimal to aim for automating 90% of your financial processes, and how taking steps like using a customer self-portal, implementing a strong CRM and billing system, and creating streamlined reporting methods that automate your 10 to 15 most common reports can help you achieve this goal. 

You’ll also learn what challenges fast-growing startups face with automation, and how confronting them can help you hit your growth goals and get more funding.

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